Analyzing data in Tableau

See Datacamp Analyzing data in Tableau

Data Fixes

Advanced fixes

  • Connect multiple tables with relationship (including a self-join)
  • Pivot wide to tall data
  • Set a field to link together two different data sources by clicking on the linking field


  • Create a new calculated field with math (i.e., hours to minutes)
    • Basic ratios (x / y)
    • DATEDIFF()
    • DATEPART()
    • makeDATE()
    • IF X = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 2 END
    • ZN()
    • SUM(), MEDIAN(), AVG()
  • Bin
    • Create a bin size
  • Create a quick table calculation
    • Function (i.e., running total, difference, percent of total)
    • Direction (across, down etc..)
    • Compare against first, previous, etc…
    • Show a field as a percent of the total row or column

Parameters / Sets

  • Set
    • Define a subset and show a division between IN and OUT. You can only use for 2 settings, either TRUE or FALSE. Use a group for more options.
    • Use a set to highlight color, rename, etc..
  • Parameter
    • Create a parameter, and a custom range
    • Add a filter using the parameter
    • Use a parameter in a calculated field

Chart Display Options

Maps (part 2)

Maps rely on long/lat. These can be in a dataset, or calculated by Tableau.

Other key skills