
We can add GIS data using OpenStreetMap

A simple tutorial is here:

This is a good additional step, which also talks about points and some font options.

A deep tutorial is available here:

Another good link is: This gives a list of features you can find.

We’ll be using some of their suggestions for the code below.

knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE)

# Used to setup environment

# Used for large downloads

OpenStreetMap with osmextract

We can add GIS data using OpenStreetMap using the osmextract library.

This library makes it easier to do larger maps, dealing with the time-out problems in the prior library.

See for instructions.

A simple tutorial is here:

This is a good additional step, which also talks about points and some font options.

A deep tutorial is available here:

Another good link is: This gives a list of features you can find.

We’ll be using some of their suggestions for the code below.

Setup environment

It’s important to setup a default location for all downloaded files. Otherwise, R will download them every time you load the program.

# See if the download folder is properly setup.
if( "" == Sys.getenv('OSMEXT_DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY')) {
  print('STOP! You need to fix the osmext download folder! Read the comments')
  # After this runs, run the below code to find the correct working directory.
  # Copy the path from getwd(), as you'll use it in the next step.
  # Run this code. It will create a .Renviron file for this project.
  # The file will open up, and have no content.
  # Then, add the OSMEXT_DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY option below in your blank file.
  # Paste the working directory path you got from getwd()
  # It should look like the below (ignoring the comments, and with your path)
  # ==== start of .Renviron file ============
  # OSMEXT_DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY="C:/Users/garrettn/project_map"
  # ====  end of .Renviron file =======
  # Then, restart R and run this block of code again. Running 
  # Sys.getenv('OSMEXT_DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY') should return the path for your project.
  # R will now save the map files in the project folder.
} else {
  print(paste('Success! Map data will be saved in', getwd()))

Download a map

The below downloads data for WV. You’ll see that it downloads the entire state, which is a lot of data.

It also takes a long time to plot our map. The more points you have, the longer it takes to load the data.

# Download WV Data with oe_get
# We go ahead and grab 3 datasets of different types.

osm_lines = osmextract::oe_get("West Virginia, USA", 
                   # layer = "lines", this is the default option
                   stringsAsFactors = FALSE, 
                   quiet = TRUE)

osm_points = osmextract::oe_get("West Virginia, USA", 
                    layer = "points", 
                    stringsAsFactors = FALSE, 
                    quiet = TRUE)

osm_poly = osmextract::oe_get("West Virginia, USA", 
                    layer = "multipolygons", 
                    stringsAsFactors = FALSE, 
                    quiet = TRUE)

# Need to filter down the data.
# Pick some items.

# Take a look at the various items in highway.
tibble(osm_lines) %>% 
  group_by(highway) %>% 
  summarise(count = n())

# Road types.
minor_road_types <- c("secondary", "secondary_link",
           "residential", "tertiary_link", "road")

major_road_types <- c("motorway", "primary", "primary_link", "motorway_link", "trunk" )

wv_major_roads <- filter(osm_lines, highway %in% major_road_types)
wv_minor_roads <- filter(osm_lines, highway %in% minor_road_types & !

# Grab some water elements
wv_water <- tibble(osm_poly) %>% 
            filter(natural == 'water', !

# What admin elements do we have?

# Grab state boundaries
wv_state <- tibble(osm_poly) %>% 
            filter(!, admin_level == 4)

ggplot() + 
  geom_sf(data = wv_water$geometry, 
          color = 'steelblue',
          alpha = 1) +
  geom_sf(data = wv_major_roads, 
          color = 'gray',
          alpha = 1) +
  geom_sf(data = wv_state$geometry, 
          fill = NA,
          color = 'black',
          size = 10,
          alpha = 1) +
  coord_sf(xlim = c(-83, -77),
           ylim = c(37, 41),
           expand = FALSE)


It’s useful to have different ways of cropping the data. The first is st_crop, which uses x/y min/max values. Note that since WV has a negative X, that you should use the numerically smaller / larger values, and not look at the axis.

This is different from coord_sf, which takes a ylim, xlim, and expand = FALSE. That just restricts the viewport, but still plots all of the data. If we have a big dataset, it’ll still take a really long time to plot.

# This reduces datapoints in our dataset
cropped_hws <- st_crop(wv_major_roads, 
                         xmin = -82, xmax = -79,
                         ymin = 37.5, ymax = 40)

# coord_sf changes the viewpoint.
# The data is still plotted.

ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data = wv_state$geometry, 
          color = 'black',
          size = 8,
          alpha = 1) +
  geom_sf(data = cropped_hws, 
          color = 'gray',
          alpha = 1) +
  coord_sf(xlim = c(-82.5, -78.5),
           ylim = c(37, 40.5),
           expand = FALSE) +

We can also use a geography to crop data. Note that this includes points outside of the boundaries if they start inside of the geometry.

# Grab Charleston boundaries
wv_mon <- tibble(osm_poly) %>% 
            filter(name == 'Charleston')

# This reduces datapoints in our dataset
cropped_hws <- st_crop(wv_major_roads, wv_mon$geometry )

ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data = wv_mon$geometry, 
          color = 'black',
          size = 8,
          alpha = 1) +
  geom_sf(data = cropped_hws, 
          color = 'gray',
          alpha = 1) +
  scale_fill_viridis_c(na.value = "transparent")


We can export the resulting map with ggsave. This is mostly useful for when we need to have a very high quality image, which is hard to see in rStudio.

#osm_states = osmextract::oe_get("United States of America",
#                                stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
#                                query = "SELECT * FROM multipolygons WHERE admin_level == 4"
#                                )

osm_lines = osmextract::oe_get("West Virginia, USA", 
                   stringsAsFactors = FALSE, 
                   quiet = TRUE)

# Grab other states   
states <- map_data('state')
states_neighbor <- filter(states, region %in% c('ohio', 'pennsylvania', 
                                                'maryland', 'virginia',

wv_major_roads <- filter(osm_lines, highway %in% major_road_types)
wv_minor_roads <- filter(osm_lines, highway %in% minor_road_types & !

p <- ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data = wv_major_roads, 
          color = 'darkgray',
          size = 2,
          alpha = 1) +
  geom_sf(data = wv_minor_roads, 
          color = 'lightgray',
          size = .2,
          alpha = .5) +
  # Add the other states around WV to get their borders,
  # and prevent any bleed-through of items past WV borders.
  geom_polygon(data = states_neighbor,
                 mapping = aes(x = long, y = lat,
                     group = group, fill = region),
                 fill = 'white', 
                 color = "lightgray")  +
  geom_sf(data = wv_state$geometry, 
          color = 'black',
          fill = NA,
          size = 15,
          alpha = 1) +
  coord_sf(xlim = c(-83, -77),
           ylim = c(37, 41),
           expand = FALSE)

# Save a very large png
       plot = p, 
       width = 7, 
       height = 7, 
       dpi = 320)