
Conditionals are an important feature in R. This section corresponds to Datacamp’s Conditionals and Control Flow in the Intermediate R course.

Equality Tests

Testing different types

  • String
    • Alphabetical, with "a" < "b"
    • Capitalization matters, with "a" < "A" (lowercase are less)
  • Boolean
    • TRUE is 1, and FALSE is 0
    • So TRUE > FALSE
  • Vector
    • Pairwise, so c(1, 2) < c(2, 3) returns c(TRUE, TRUE)
  • Matrix
    • Pairwise, so they return a TRUE/FALSE matrix.
  • Types
    • R will automatically convert between types, so "1" == 1
    • Be careful with Booleans! The type conversions don’t always work. For example, 1 == TRUE but "1" != TRUE
  • sum() can count the number of TRUE in a vector/matrix

Logical operators

If Statement

You can use the if statement to selectively execute code. You can use a combination of if, else if, and else.

var_a <- 100

if (var_a < 100) {
  print("less than 100")
} else if (var_a > 200) {
  print("greater than 200")
} else {